Hi-Tec Plating, Inc. Corporate Headquarters: Seneca, SC Phone: 864-882-3311 — Hi-Tec Plating, Inc. North Carolina Division: Statesville, NC Phone: 704-872-8969
Hi-Tec Plating, Inc. Corporate Headquarters: Seneca, SC Phone: 864-882-3311 — Hi-Tec Plating, Inc. North Carolina Division: Statesville, NC Phone: 704-872-8969
Precision Electroless Nickel Plating, TDC-1® (thin dense chrome) and Hard Chrome Plating to industry for bearings, gears, cutting tools, dies, injection mold parts, cams, pumps, spools, plungers, shafts and other sliding components to name a few.
Electroless Nickel Plating (autocatalytic nickel) is a chemical process that deposits nickel on a substrate without electrical current. With an autocatalytic process a uniform surface finish is deposited regardless of the geometry of the item.
"TDNC™ Thin Dense Electroless Nickel Deposit is applicable to a wide variety of precision metal finishing needs.
Electroless Nickel Cobalt Alloy that provides a surface finish that is highly corrosion resistant with exceptional wear and abrasion resistance.
"Ni–Comp–100"© Electroless Nickel surface finish for outstanding release properties
Mid-Phosphorus and High Phosphorus Electroless Nickel metal finishes applicable to a wide variety of needs.
Read more about the Electroless Nickel Plating services of Hi-Tec Plating, Inc.
Customers that are interested in the more traditional metal finish can choose one of our chrome plating finishes for their application.
Precision surface finishing with TDC-1® our proprietary Thin Dense Chrome that conforms to surface detail for an engineered finish.
The properties of TDC-1® are ideal for engineered components.
Traditional Hard Chrome (also known as industrial Hard Chrome ) for a thicker metal finish for many applications
Both TDC-1® an Hard Chrome can be applied to a variety of metal substrates.
Contact Hi-Tec Plating to see which chromium electroplating application is best for you.
Hi-Tec Plating, Inc. realizes the importance of conducting business responsibly to be a valuable resource for our customer, employees and community.
For our customers, we are reponsible for providing quality metal finishing service so they can be sure they are getting the best possible product. Hi-Tec Plating, Inc. maintains and ISO 9001 certification to help ensure a quaity product.
Our facilities are operated so as to provide a work environment that ensures each worker can perform their duties safely.
Hi-Tec Plating. Inc. is responsible to our workers, customers and community for protecting the environment.